Public Hearing
Internet Policy Update
February 26th, Noon
Fort Fairfield Town Office - Council Chambers
The Fort Fairfield Public Library, in seeking to become part of the Network Maine Internet Consortium, is updating our internet policies to become compliant with the requirements of the program.
The public is invited to review our proposed policy and join us for a public hearing February 26th at Noon in Council Chambers at the Fort Fairfield Town Office. Joining Network Maine will save the community money while at the same time offering library users safe and reliable access to the internet.
Comments on this updated Internet Policy can be submitted either in writing (email, by phone (207-472-3800), or in person at the Town Office until the March 19th Town Council Meeting.
February Artist of the Month Reception
Feb. 8th
Join us in welcoming our artist of the Month, Caleb Lovejoy. We will host a reception February 8th from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m.

Polymer Clay Craft
with Amy Schwartz
Feb. 15
Amy will show you step by step how to make your own crafty item with polymer clay. This craft is best suited for teens and adults. Space is limited to 14. Please contact the library to sign up. Donations for this event will be accepted but are not required to participate. Sign up soon, spaces fill up quickly. You'll be amazed at what you can create! ​

Story Times
Elementary aged students, come hear a story, play games, sing songs.
No registration required. Just come on in to participate.
Meets every other Thursday at 3:00pm.
February Dates:
Feb. 6th
Feb. 20th

Elementary aged Children.
Challenge your friends to a friendly game of BINGO!
No registration required. Just come on in to participate.
Next Date: Friday, February 21st

Craft Workshop with Holly
Feb. 22nd
Join Holly for step-by-step directions on the craft of the day. Holly's crafts are always popular so call, email or message us to save a spot. Limit: 8 Workshop is free and open to the public. This craft is best suited for young adults and adults.​

Do your kids enjoy building with Legos and want to meet others who share the same interests? Join our Lego Club.
Every month they meet new challenges and build innovative creations. What will they come up with next?
Join in to find out. No need to sign up. Just pop into any of our sessions and start building.
Next Lego Club Meeting:
Feb. 28th at 3:30 pm

February Book Club
Book: The Women
by Kristin Hannah
If you are interested in joining our book club, please see one of the library staff for more details.

After School Bingo
Challenge your friends to a fun game of BINGO.

Did you know...Fort Fairfield Public Library is the Fort Fairfield Access Point for the Aroostook Agency on Aging.
Every 2nd Wednesday of the month, an agency representative holds open hours from 9am-12 pm at the Fort Fairfield Library. No appointment is required to speak with a live human. Have questions about services, programs or events that the agency offers? Come in to get answers.
Some other events currently available:
Mini-Monday Talks -
1st Monday of every month from 1:00-2:00pm
Tuesday Talks with Joy -
1st Tuesday of every month from 1:30-2:30pm
What to Know Wednesday -
3rd Wednesday of every month from 12-1:00pm

These programs are offered on site or at any Access Point Location via video conferencing technology. If you are interested in participating at the Fort Fairfield Access Point, please register by calling the Aroostook Agency on Aging and someone will be available at the library to provide access.
Aroostook Agency on Aging Contact Information:
Phone: - 1-800-439-1789
Check out even more events sponsored by The Aroostook Agency on Aging by clinking the link or by checking out the event poster on the library Facebook Page:
FFPL Memorial Garden Plaque,
You still have time...
We will be ordering our Memorial Garden Donor plaque soon, but there is still time to get your name on it. If you wish to make a donation, please contact the library at 207-472-3880 for more info or send a check to: Fort Fairfield Public Library Memorial Fund, 339 Main Street, Fort Fairfield, Maine 04742 with a notation that it is for the Memorial Garden. You can indicate that you want to talk about a specific item to place in the garden, or you can contribute to ongoing maintenance needs of the garden. Every bit helps. We appreciate everyone who has helped make the garden a reality.​

Children's Garden.
First year...
Programming coming next season.

Fort Fairfield Public Library Memorial Garden
In honor of Rose Elmer, her parents and many beloved community members memorialized here. Come enjoy a peaceful moment in our garden.
Sponsored by
Community Donors

Volunteer opportunities!
We are always looking for volunteers who are interested in leading programs/groups, program/group helpers or helping out in the library or in the gardens. If you are interested in volunteering, you can pick up an application at the library.
The Library Food Cupboard
We are happy to announce that Fort Fairfield Public Library now has a small food cupboard in the downstairs foyer. If you are in need you can access this cupboard Thursday and Friday, 10:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. and Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
If you would like to donate a non-perishable food item please drop it off in the cupboard or at the circulation desk.
The cupboard has been restocked and is currently full.